One of the most common questions we hear about Social Security is, “How am I supposed to live on that?”. The answer, of course, is really quite simple: You aren’t supposed to live on your Social Security benefits. Social Security was never intended to be a retirement plan. It was originally conceived as a back-up, supplemental income for retirees, the disabled, and widows whose bread-winning husbands passed away. President Franklin Roosevelt described Social Security as a type of government-sponsored, supplemental insurance program: “The [Social Security] Act does not offer anyone, either individually or collectively, an easy life — nor was it ever intended so to do. None of the sums of money paid out to individuals in assistance or in insurance will spell anything approaching abundance. But they will furnish that minimum necessity to keep a foothold; and that is the kind of protection Americans want.” In order to ensure a more comfortable retirement, you should begin planning years in advance. Social Security will be an important part of your budget, but it shouldn’t be your only source of income. To protect yourself against inflation and rising costs of living, consider some of the following actions to boost retirement income: Maximize your income: Ask for raises when they are deserved. Go back to school or take other measures to further your job skills. Take on a second job during years of lower earnings. Work as long as possible. Social Security uses a formula to calculate your Social Security benefits, based on your highest-earning 35 years of work. Work at least 35 years so that there are no zeros averaged into your calculation. Plan ahead. Every year that you work, set aside money in a retirement plan. Wait to retire. Don’t claim Social Security until you reach “full retirement age” – the age at which you can claim full benefits. Consider a partial retirement. Take on consulting work in your old field, continue working part-time, or start a home-based business to boost your retirement earnings.
After years of hard work, you might begin to feel impatient about your retirement. If you’re itching to travel, visit friends and family, enjoy your favorite hobbies, or simply escape the daily grind of your work life, ask yourself these five questions to assess your retirement readiness.
Are you expecting growth in your retirement fund?
Since market conditions can be unpredictable and volatile, it’s generally not a good idea to depend upon dramatic growth in your assets that may or may not actually manifest. Instead, retire when even a modest return from your account would be sufficient to fund your lifestyle.
How much debt are you carrying?
Excess debt can cause considerable stress and financial strain during retirement. Working just a few more years to pay off your debt might be a worthwhile goal, so you can retire worry-free and with more room in your monthly budget.
How will you pay for medical expenses?
Hopefully, you’ll enjoy good health for a long time. But none of us can predict the future, and high out-of-pocket medical expenses are common for many retirees. In fact, the average couple retiring today can expect to spend about $220,000 on medical care throughout retirement. Make sure you have a plan to cover unexpected medical bills, expensive prescriptions, and long-term nursing care.
What about other expenses?
There may come a time that you wish for a little extra money to cover any surprises that come your way. Think carefully about the legacy you wish to leave to your family; right now you may be at your earnings peak and able to set aside money for their future.
Are you relying on Social Security?
Social Security was always meant to be a supplement to retirement income, since most seniors could not live comfortably on their benefits checks alone. You can retire early at age 62, but your check will be permanently reduced. By waiting until your full retirement age to retire – age 65 to 67, depending upon your birth date – you can ensure a larger monthly check.